
The amount of money paid for invoice, you could do a payment to single/multiple invoice(s).

There are several scenario that could apply to payment:

  • Partial Payment: The amount paid is less than the invoice due amount
  • Paid: The amount paid has cleared the invoice due amount
  • Over Paid: The amount paid is more than the invoice due amount, remaining amount will be converted into open credit

How to make payment to invoice

  1. Go to Payments page .

  2. Click payment-add-button

  3. Payment screen is as shown.

  4. Fill in the necessary fields marked (*). Some explanation of the fields are as such:

    Field Description
    Date (required) The date that this payment is made
    Payment Number (required) A running number for payment with prefix and auto-generated number configured at setting page, see Payment Setting page
    Payment Mode (required) Mode of Payment which options can be configured at setting page, see Payment Mode Setting section
  5. Select a customer, the invoice details will show once we select a customer that pay.


    {info} The counter at [ Add Invoice {counter}] indicates how many invoices for that customer has.
    For this example, this customer has total of 1 invoice available to pay

    You can pay multiple invoice in this screen.

  6. Click payment-save-button Done 🎉

How to filter payment

  1. Click on payment-filter-button
  2. Fill up the filter(s) you need:

    {info} Changes will automatically applied

    Field Type Description
    Customer Dropdown with Search Payments which belong to the selected customer, continue type to search further
    Payment Number Text Payment number which matched Payment's table Payment Number column
    Payment Mode Dropdown Mode options can be configured at setting page

Methods to reset filter

  1. Click Clear All at filter fields area.
  2. Remove the value you have inserted, it will recognized it as no filter input.

How to export payment

Export Single Payment Receipt (pdf)

Method 1: via. Payment's table
  1. At Payment page , click on triple dots at the right most column.
  2. Click payment-download-button
  3. The download will begin.

Method 2: via. Payment view
  1. At Payment page , click on triple dots at the right most column.
  2. Click payment-view-button to view.
  3. At view page, click on top right corner's triple dots button green-triple-dots
  4. Click payment-download-button to begin download.
    • (alt.) Or, move your mouse over the pdf display, click the download icon on the appearing top bar chrome-download-button

How to send receipt to customer

  1. At Payment page , click on triple dots at the right most column.
  2. Click payment-view-button to view.
  3. Click payment-send-button
  4. Click [Ok] on the confirm message.

    {success} An email receipt is sent to customer with link to view receipt PDF